Writing My Fun; Is it Done


I’ve taken a break from writing my novels so far this year. It’s been months since I tried to pull up the brain power to plot and pace a full-length novel. Writing bit by bit the way I do, I wonder always how I get away with it. To think to myself, can I really do this? Have I lost more of the brain cells~ like Poirot’s gray matter~ until the ability is gone? This is a confidence question- and when you really lose confidence it’s like sustaining an injury making it harder to play Tennis or Football.

So tonight I’m beginning a new one. I have the idea of the novel scoped out, the names of some of the characters, a few fun facts to go on with. Here’s hoping this new story takes root in me, that the adventure begins and carries me off so that I forget that I’m not actually smart enough to do any of this. I love reaching the end and looking back and wondering how did that happen?

Oh and by the way, my working title so far is Teddy Bear in Space!


  1. sherijkennedy · March 31, 2017

    Love the title…and I hope the only brain cells you lost were the ones that made you think you aren’t smart enough to do this, my genius-artist friend!

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  2. tahenryauthoress · April 1, 2017


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  3. Ellen · April 1, 2017

    Reminds me of high school song leader chant at the weekly football game…”you can do it, you can do it, you can, you can”. See pompoms being pumped.

    Liked by 1 person

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